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How to Save Money This Holiday Season

With Christmas just over a week away and all the holiday parties and social events happening, surely your wallet is paying the price. You don’t have to sacrifice much, but with a little planning and preparation, Santa will reward you with more than just coal in your stocking.


Here are our favorite holiday saving tips!

Chinese Auction
Do you have an enormous family? AChinese gift exchange is a great way to share the love without breaking the bank. Put everyone’s name in a bowl, and draw out one person’s name, and then you buy for just that person. And depending on your family, things can get pretty exciting!

Make it a Potluck
Are you planning on hosting an over-the-top Christmas feast? Suggest to family and friends a potluck this year. For planning purposes, let everyone attending know that you will be taking care of the main dish, then assign side dishes and desserts by alphabet to the rest of the family.

Plan Ahead
Before the holiday season even approaches, start saving! Set aside a holiday savings jar or piggy bank and slip any change or small bills in there on a weekly basis and you’ll have a great head start on your Christmas budget.

Remember that the holiday season is all about spending time with loved ones. While it is hard not to get caught up in the endless deals and last minute shopping events, if you plan accordingly, you can have yourself a merry little Christmas and a happy account balance!

If you’re looking to save money on your rental property contact Real Property Management today!

Happy Holidays!