Real Property Management Last Frontier

The Importance of a Great Insurance Agent

In recent weeks, Alaska has been hit with some very serious wildfires. Flames thousands of acres wide accompanied our spike in temperatures. The fires destroyed some of our beautiful forests as well as many homes of our fellow Alaskans.

If your home is in a more developed area, you are mostly likely covered in the event of a wildfire. But for the many Alaskans who live, or have a cabin in a remote area are probably not covered.

This is what supplemental insurance is for. You think your home is covered, however, there are many things, such as flood, sewer backup, earthquake, and of course wildfire, that need to be accounted for.

Other things often overlooked, are high price items that are in your home like jewelry, firearms, or art. To protect things like this you would want a rider, which is basically a smaller insurance policy that can be tacked onto your regular policy to protect additional things that aren’t included in your original policy.

There are many other accidents that can occur on a rental property, such as a fire or an injury on the property, and it is important that both tenant and renter are insured correctly. A great insurance agent can let both tenant and homeowner know what exactly they are responsible to cover and can educate them on landlord/tenant act and other relevant information.

To learn more, contact us!